Sunday, December 19, 2010

“If you love me, thank you! If you hate me, f**k you!”

Music please! The wonderful song “Love me or Hate me” by an English rapper and grime artist, Lady Sovereign was deliberately put to a blast as my whole body was engaging to its rhythmic beat.

Suddenly, the music came to a halt and as if being possessed, I fainted helplessly. Puffy clouds made their exclusive entrance into the red carpet of my imaginative mind; allowing myself to penetrate into the world “out of the reality”. In this world, I was a laughing stock. My strong viewpoint was deeply scrutinised with a tsunami of verbal rage. My blatant stand was subjected to multiple interpretations, each of which have an equal claim to being a valid viewpoint (although some who lack social sensitivity camouflaged their identities with courageous facade to express their temperament).

Now, let us get to serious business here! I would like to express my gratitude to all the people viewing my humble blog especially YOU who are reading this entry now. I truly appreciate those of you who spent considerable time to exchange substantiated thoughts and post remarkable comments for us to view the issue at a different angle, maybe using a different binocular too. Yet, like a permeable membrane allowing any substances to pass through it, my blog was occasionally infected with mindless cantankerous freaks who embrace emotional insensitivity to obliviously deliver destructive criticism. And of course I do NOT appreciate it at all! I want to make it clear once and for all. BE NICE AND SENSIBLE! If you have NOTHING to offer other than your derogatory remarks, I strongly suggest you to save your effort, time and GET THE HELL OUT OF MY BLOG! Your existence is somewhat meaningless here (I hope you could reflexively recognised that fact)! Still, if you persist in your scuffling way attempting to do what you wish to do, why should I stop you? Go on and enjoy your ride then! Hopefully, you gained something in return, perhaps, a great satisfaction, no?

Let me remind all of you. What I wrote was purely my opinion on the issue. What you wrote/thought were at your own discretion. You can have your say, can’t I have mine too? There maybe even no need for us to come to a consensus. My blog acts as a COMMUNICATION STRING for one to share his personal takings on a controversial issue. Do we not understand the meaning of CONTROVERSIAL? No rights or wrongs here! You may disagree or agree but please DO NOT EVER TRY TO SNAP the precious string off. Exercise the mutual respect by being nice and sensible. By now, hopefully, you have the intellectual capability to FULLY UNDERSTAND this and able to execute it perfectly!

Allow me to examine each of your precious comment. Your comment means a lot to me! I value it so long it is a constructive exchange of thoughts.

@ fongxuanqi: Thanks for your open-mindedness comment.

First, "medical scientists could probably argue" basically means they are merely postulating. Why should they? Could there be a strong repulsion towards the agreement of oneself of choice? Why must one be tied down to research findings to prove his own identity? The insecurity issue here has mounted and accumulated so much so that it caught the professionals' attention to "investigate". I think it's futile to do so. You choose what you want to do in life. If I force you to smoke/drink but you fervently oppose, do you think you will smoke/drink? There are neither obligations nor enforcements despite some temptations along the way which cloud your decisions. Still, it is all about choices!

People who are obsessed with the cause are usually the homosexuals themselves, are they not? They refused to accept that it is their preference to be one. So, they take an easy way out by slamming us with the “trustworthy research”. How much research was it needed to achieve the desirable cause? Find it yourself and you will probably be amazed that even the best “genetic proven answer/research” can prove little.

I do not neglect the possibility of the cause maybe due to genetic. “Genetic is just peculiarly minor factor for unlocking your psychic closets. NOT the MAIN FACTOR, maybe negligible too” if the social environment is too strong.

“Brains...” said Simon Baron-Cohen, professor of Developmental Psychopathology in the Departments of Psychiatry and Experimental Psychology at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, “can be resculptured by experience.” Is it not the brain that activates your neuro-cells and how you respond to every situation? If it can be manipulated by experience, how can genes be the perfect answer to one’s sexuality?

Still not convinced yet? I shall provide you with more research (if only that makes you believe my point that genetic is only minor perhaps negligible). Jorge Luis Borges (who won the Nobel Prize for Literature), Gabriel Garcia Marquez (a Colombian novelist), and Joseph Campbell (American mythologist, writer and lecturer), all have the same argument that “fictional thinking” (which German philosopher, Han Vaihinger, calls it) – an inductive and deductive thoughts – is the ORIGINAL FORM of human thoughts, that it HARDENS to our genes. Now, we can see that THOUGHTS INFLUENCE THE GENES. THOUGHTS CAN OVERRIDE THE GENES. That’s precisely what my point is all about. I repeat. “I do not neglect the possibility of the cause maybe due to genetic. It is just a minor perhaps negligible.” Surely these professionals’ words and research carry weight, do they not?

@ Andrew: Mind your words and ponder upon the phrase “Be nice and sensible”!

@ Mia Liana: Thanks for reading my blog! I apologised should you get confused with the flowery words but the issue is not any complicated of sort. I just think that genetic is largely not the factor for homosexuals. Even so, it is just a puny percentage of those “privileged ones”. What do you think?

@ Anonymous/Akhbar: Thanks for your refreshing view. I agree that Singapore should be more open with people declaring their sexual preference. But, I guess that “people do not choose to be a gay” rather not substantiated.

You should try asking a gay how he knows he was not straight. Some probably will answer you “I watched gay porn”, or even any plausible answers. Correct me if I am wrong, do it not makes sense to us that if genetic is the sole reason for the homosexuality, do homosexuals need “influential media” to determine his sexual orientation?

@ Kuharido: Terima kasih Cik Khalid. Pendapat yang cukup bernas terutama sekali tentang zaman Nabi Lut.

@ arigato ruzaimas: What makes you think I am right?

@ Anonymous/Maznah: Interesting points you bring up. Thanks!

@ Anonymous: Thanks for reading my blog! I apologised should you get confused with the flowery words. Btw, I am just an average person.

@ No 1 Fangirl: Your flattery remarks are duly noted with thanks. But, I am no smart person. Rather, I am an average soul who has a strong view on certain issues. And...Oh yes, the big black mole is real!

@ i turn gay 4 u: You have just proved my point that homosexuality is the exercise of one’s freedom of choice. Thank you for adding another concrete evidence to my opinion.

@ crystalwall: Thank you for your comment! Do read the highlighted points I have made above. Once again, “Genetic is not the main factor for unlocking your psychic closets. It is just peculiarly minor, perhaps negligible too.”

@ Char: I do not write my entry to show others my professionalism and/or maturity level. I wrote it based on what my sentiments said with supported evidences on hands. Still, I valued your suggestion to make my writing a balanced one since the wheels of our society are lubricated by objectivity. But, I hope when one is on the top of the moral totem pole, he should not conceal cowardice and/or suffer a grave personality defect. My blog should then serves as a COMMUNICATION STRING to connect people (biased or not) establishing an open discussion of thoughts.

If you truly “opine that the determination of whether one identifies him- or herself as being homosexual first has to be genetic” after clear “observation, discussion and much thought”, then why does your second and third point of examples are not in parallel to your stand?

“2) They, whether advertently or sub-consciously, ALLOW themselves TO FALL PREY TO THE CURRENT POPULATION CULTURE notion that being gay is in vogue in this era”.
By the word ALLOWING, does it not tell us that they CHOOSE to be gay? And does falling prey to the population culture determine his genetic manipulation that he is not straight?

“ 3) They have other ULTERIOR MOTIVES to being homosexual, e.g. to use their new gay status as leverage to hit on women.”
Certainly, their genes here are not the determinant for them to be homosexuals. But rather, they are psychotic individuals who seek sexual pleasure. Wait...with whom? Opposite gender, is it not? Erm...homosexuality is caused by genetic?

I totally agree with you that the environment do play a part in this issue too. But, “choosing to be gay” is NOT AN ILLUSION. Read the highlighted portion above if you are not convinced. Rather, deluding oneself with “genetically programmed to be gay” is a serious fallacy.

@ Michele: You need some serious help, my friend!

@ Amy ling: Duly noted with thanks! Haha...Mr Ganesh should be happy to note that you still remember his words and his lessons.

@ Anonymous: First and foremost, I know Amy well enough than you I guess. Why are you hiding your identity in the first place? Still, I thank you for reading and commenting on my blog.

“This answer to the question of the reason behind homosexuality - genetics - is really not an 'oversimplification'. It may seem so only because it is so STRAIGHT-FORWARD. Contrary to being oversimple, GENETICS IS REALLY A VERY COMPLEX BRANCH OF SCIENCE with many NUANCES that are still being GRAPPLED with by the TOP SCIENTISTS.”
Now, I think you are the one who is confused with your own stand. You claimed that genetic being the reason behind homosexuality is not an oversimplification because it is very straight-forward. But then, you go on and said even the TOP SCIENTISTS ARE GRAPPLING on MANY NUANCES of genetic. Now, if the TOP SCIENTISTS are unsure about the full spectrum of genetic in the human’s body, how could you (presumably an undergraduate) can be so optimistic that genetic is so STRAIGHT-FORWARD behind homosexuality?

“If they chose to be homosexual, then why would they shy away from acting like one?” Perhaps, you should see the world, my friend. Open up your horizon! Have you seen and heard the American Pop Singer, Lady Gaga’s speech “The Prime Rib of America”? Are you not in Singapore when the debatable gay rights are in the hot bed of the society? Do you know that under the Singapore law, gay sex is punishable by a maximum of two years in jail? Plus, did you not write this “those who refuse to acknowledge their sexual orientation lack the guts to do so (but how much are they to be blamed, considering the stigma society attaches onto homosexuals?)”. Now, do you understand why some shy away to declare that they are homosexuals? Who is confused now?

Gosh...I think you mistook my stand. I did not say that “NO WAY GENETIC CAN BE THE REASON FOR HOMOSEXUALITY”. But, rather “it is just peculiarly minor, perhaps negligible too.” The percentages of those who are “genuinely genetically programmed” are very small in comparison to your massive claim that it is. Go on and research if you please! You’ll be amazed! And for your information, do read the highlighted portion above to fully understand my stand.

Thank you all for reading!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep. You're a laughing stock all right. About time you recognize this. =)

December 20, 2010 at 12:02 AM  
Anonymous Zulkiffly Zainal said...

Go on and enjoy your ride here, nameless buddy! Btw, thanks for reading and commenting on my blog.

As much as I like your "sincere existence" here, I would advise you to give constructive comment though. Probably, you need to improve on your Emotional Quotient (EQ) which you are evidently lack of.

Before passing any remarks, I hope that you would be courageous enough to tell us (especially me) your identity. What is the point of having a fake facade to camouflage yourself? Are you worry that you'll be the "laughing stock" for your oblivion and ignorance? Wait...given your attitude, your thick-skinned self is way too powerful to combat this "tiny insult". Perhaps, insulting and be insulted has become your culture; something that flow through your bloodstream, and very common for you.

December 20, 2010 at 11:21 PM  
Anonymous Yuan Ding said...

Eh... Zainal. Are you gay? Confirm you are lah. Otherwise with this topic so emo sia? Lol...

December 21, 2010 at 6:59 PM  
Anonymous Sally said...

Zulkiffly Zainal. I don't understand what you saying. Some many chim words. I come here read your blog waste my time. Thanks ah...

December 23, 2010 at 2:28 PM  
Anonymous Zulkiffly Zainal said...

@ Yuan Ding: For your information, I am a very sociable and open person. Having many friends who are homosexuals does not justify the fact that I am one too. And, I am consummately in control of my feelings (emotional stable) when I wrote my entries. There are no significant "negative emotions traits" that have had "confused" me.

@ Sally: This entry has been dramatically reduced in terms of the sophisticated words, phrases and/or sentences. The language is rather easy to understand.

December 23, 2010 at 10:33 PM  
Anonymous Yuan Ding said...

But you say if you hate me, fuck you! Well I'm a guy, I hate you so you wanna fuck me eh? ;) Naughty you... But case in point.

December 23, 2010 at 10:39 PM  
Anonymous Zulkiffly Zainal said...

@ Yuan Ding: My friend, it is a song; "Love me or hate me". And I find it very suitable for this entry! So, there is NO case in point here!

December 24, 2010 at 9:08 AM  
Anonymous Sally said...

Dont bluff me lah. You use so many chim words want people to think you smart izzit? Action only.

December 24, 2010 at 10:35 AM  
Anonymous Zulkiffly Zainal said...

@ Sally: I would like to apologize should you once again find this entry perplexing and difficult to comprehend.

On my side, there was no intention at all to "impress others". As if I'll be awarded a grand trophy for that... And why are you so narrow-minded as to think that I am lying to you or the whole whole for the matter of fact?!

December 24, 2010 at 8:44 PM  
Anonymous Ding Lee said...

WOW. This article is so well-written! Who taught you so superbly? Do you want to teach my sister sec 3 english? She looking for a tutor right now!

December 26, 2010 at 1:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

y u call yrself zestful zul ah? u orange izzit? got a lotzz of zest ahhhh? so lamezzz

December 26, 2010 at 2:59 PM  
Anonymous Sally said...

I dont accept your apology. Maybe if you use your zest make me orange juice than I consider haha.

December 28, 2010 at 9:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can be the next annoying orange~

December 31, 2010 at 12:12 PM  
Anonymous Andy said...

Some Readers are just stupid. zestful "make orange". lol!

March 8, 2011 at 1:30 PM  

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